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1.30.0 - Mobile Tasks

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Mobile Tasks

The Tasks experience has been upgraded with a mobile friendly style sheet. This styling change comes with improvements for buttons including a disabled state on task side menus when they are empty. As always these improvements are powered by feedback, so hearing back about how if works on your device is highly appreciated.

Bug Fixes

  • Nailed down (finally) the last cases where prefilled lookups fail to present their display field
  • Prevented page crash when expanding the activity feed on some tasks in the Tasks experience
  • Prevented page crash when adding components to a section in Adaptive Designer with a Process Diagram context
  • Fixed workflow failing to link produced items in a process run to the triggering item on signal event processes
  • Prevented Adaptive login screen forcing cursor to end of line in the tenant/site fields


  • Set Tasks experience side panels to disabled when they do not contain any content
  • Enforced consistent author id when Workflow produces items
  • Raised date picker modal above all elements when interacting with it
  • Added automated repair mechanism for product owners to manage their customer sites